UI/UX Designer
Following my dreams steadily, I specialise in Tech for health care. In the last 6 years, I have explored how User Experience can improve the quality of life for those dealing with Depression, Anxiety, Autism, Asperger’s & Cerebral Palsy.
Outside of my UX & design systems passions, you’ll find that I love playing music, going on some treks, learning something new about psychology or just laying on grass and counting stars.
Currently I am in Mumbai, India designing some new, innovative solutions with a creative team at Augnito, documenting my travel photography and creating music for mental wellbeing.
Bridging the gap between design and technology, I create new human-centered innovations to push and motivate the future. I’ve been creating user experiences and designing interfaces since 2016, perfecting my passion into a full time job.
My other personal interests include playing music, going on some treks, learning something new about psychology or just laying on grass and counting stars.